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New PI Pilot Program Launched

November 7, 2017

Whether someone has conducted research for years or this is their first appointment, there are specific things each investigator needs to know in order to conduct research at Virginia Tech. 

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is excited to announce a new Principal Investigator (PI) pilot program with Pre Award, which will welcome new and transferring PI’s to the research side of Virginia Tech.  This process has been taking place informally for some time and we believe the benefits that have been seen warrant a more formal approach. 

Our goal is to help welcome PI’s by:

  • Learning about them and their research plans
  • Helping them connect with the necessary offices on campus
  • Introducing them to the innovative systems specific to Virginia Tech
  • Creating a smooth transition as they propose and conduct research at our university.

A few examples of Virginia Tech-specific knowledge are:

  • The electronic systems (Summit, Cayuse, AT)
  • Budget templates & indirect rates
  • OSP's working structure
  • Whom to contact based upon the stage of research you are in (proposal to close out).

Transitions can be tough, but they can go more smoothly if we are willing to communicate with each other upon arrival. OSP wants to know, for example, of any plans to transfer awards, colonies of mice, or graduate students. We will need to know if secure laboratories for restricted research are required. 

To assist with these and other frequently asked questions, a brief one-page form with yes or no questions for the PI to complete electronically has been created. Upon completion, the PI will email the document to the contact listed on the bottom of the form and a time will be set up for a personalized, face-to-face meeting. 

Each meeting will take place in OSP where electronic systems are already established and affiliated research offices are located (Research Compliance, Export and Secure Research Compliance). The PI will be able to meet their department’s Pre-Award Associate after the meeting.

Download PI Questionnaire