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New requirements for Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) effective October 5, 2020

Effective October 5, 2020, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will enhance the Project Reporting System in to implement the revised Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). The RPPR is a uniform format for reporting performance progress on federally funded research projects and research-related activities. NSF awardees use the RPPR to prepare and submit annual and final project reports to NSF. Further details about the RPPR can be found on the About Project Reports website.

New Questions that will be added to the RPPR:

  1. The following question will be added to the Edit Participants screen:Has there been a change in the active support of the PI/PD(s) since the last reporting period?
    • If Principal Investigators (PIs)/Project Directors (PDs) and co-PIs/co-PDs select “Yes,” they will be required to upload their most up-to-date Current and Pending Support document in an NSF-approved format to notify NSF that active other support has changed since the award was made or since the most recent annual report.
    • The NSF-approved formats for Current and Pending Support are SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae and an NSF fillable PDF
    • If the Current and Pending Support documents are not in NSF approved format, the system will trigger a compliance error preventing document upload and submission of the annual or final project report.
  2. The following three questions to the “Impact” and “changes/Problems” tabs will be added:
    • What was the impact on teaching and educational experience? (Impact tab);
    • What percentage of the award’s budget was spent in a foreign country? (Impact tab); and
    • Has there been a change in the primary performance site location from that originally proposed? (Changes/Problems tab)

If the PI does not complete their annual or final progress reports, any proposal for which they are listed as key personnel will not be reviewed until the reports are completed.

This may impact a PIs ability to receive additional NSF funding.If you have questions regarding the submission of your NSF annual or final progress report, please contact your post award associate.

If you have specific questions regarding the new NSF approved format of the Current and Pending Support document please contact your pre-award associate.